A subjerct I enjoy studyng this semestear

Por qué modernizar la Administración Pública?This semester has undoubtedly been unique in its kind, It's really complex to have a clear mind in all this context, so personally I don't have much enthusiasm to study. However, there are subjects that interest me quite a lot, such as the dynamics of public administration, since it is a branch oriented to the administration of the state apparatus, which is why it is crucial in our development as professionals, In addition, the teacher teaches in a very pleasant way that helps make the classes much more bearable and understands the context in which we live like students, always has a predisposition to worry about our mental health and gives us the necessary tools ensuring that the learning process is effective. Which allows us to perform adequately, but without overloading ourselves.

Panda Enojado En La Oficina GIF - Panda MakingAMess FreakingOut ...
online class vibes
Anyway, it is extremely complex for me to say that I enjoy studying this semester. I would like have  if it has been presential, since that way the classes are more interactive and personal, Not like now that we try to learn in a pandemic context in front of a screen all day.


  1. The dynamics of public administration was one of the subjects that I liked the most during these semesters at the university, it is really very interesting.


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