
The last Blog

Well, it's time to say goodbye. It was a rather pleasant and innovative experience because I had never had the opportunity to write a blog or anything similar in English, although it cost me quite a bit at first with the last time it became easier for me. In the not too distant future I would like to learn good English and start a blog again, but with themes related to plants and food. I think it is quite innovative that this way of learning English is used, since the writing is developed in a more colloquially way, thus allowing us to learn to express ourselves more easily and not as structured as is formally done in the classroom. It would be interesting to continue learning language in this way, and to include topics that are of our full interest so that we all feel interested in writing about what we like, interest or passionate. As I said earlier, blogs are platforms that allow us to express ourselves freely regarding our tastes and interests, that is why after this expe...

My kitten

I think this is the topic I liked the most because I love animals, especially my cat. My pet's called Alexis, well at the beginning he was called haku (like the character in chihiro's trip) but it didn't answer to that name and one day my brother called him Alexis (for Alexis Sanchez) because he liked to play with little balls and finally we all started to call him that. We found him at a fair near my aunt's house on November 2, 2014, he was in a box of tomatoes with another kitten, they had been rescued because a dog attacked his mother and little brothers. Only the two of them survived (I approached to look because the other kitten was very cute) and many people were looking at the kitten and nobody was looking at the other (Alexis) because honestly it was very ugly, so I took it in my arms and I decided to adopt it (his little sister was adopted by someone else, but I would have adopted her too) Over time, it's become very important to me. He arrived almost six...

A subjerct I enjoy studyng this semestear

This semester has undoubtedly been unique in its kind, It's really complex to have a clear mind in all this context, so personally I don't have much enthusiasm to study. However, there are subjects that interest me quite a lot, such as the dynamics of public administration, since it is a branch oriented to the administration of the state apparatus, which is why it is crucial in our development as professionals, In addition, the teacher teaches in a very pleasant way that helps make the classes much more bearable and understands the context in which we live like students, always has a predisposition to worry about our mental health and gives us the necessary tools ensuring that the learning process is effective. Which allows us to perform adequately, but without overloading ourselves. online class vibes Anyway, it is extremely complex for me to say that I enjoy studying this semester. I would like have  if it has been presential, since that way the classes are more intera...


While it is General knowledge that public administration is male chauvinist This element has been tried to attenuate with the passage of time in different ways.   However, it is often affirm that “equality” as such has not been reached in this ambit. In this context, there is a blog aimed at women who work in this sector. This is called: https://mujeresenelsectorpublico.com/blog/ In these discuss issues about the role played by women within the Spanish public administration, such as them the professional career of women in the administrative apparatus, the low leadership of them within the state apparatus, gender inequality in management positions in public administration, among others. One of the main objectives of this site is to create a space that foment the empowerment of women within this bureaucracy in addition to promoting greater visibility of the female role within the administration. I found this site the last year when I had some doubts about the race, I fou...


In particular, I don't know anyone who doesn't like music. It is an everyday element in our daily life, sometimes it even becomes therapeutic at times when one is extremely overwhelmed. Without a doubt, it helps a lot in the most complicated moments, we probably all have songs that mean a lot to us, since with them we live unforgettable moments, as well as those that left a sour taste in our mouths. But, it can be said for sure that we all at some point have experienced a lot of emotions with these. Personally, when I was little girl I did not like music very much, I felt that it gave me a headache, but over time it became an acquired taste and there is not a day that I do not listen to music. The first band that I “heard” because a very close friend liked her a lot was “coldpay” and since then I have a great love for her music.  As time went by I began to listen to a greater spectrum, until I discovered Pink Floyd and was extremely fascinated...


Well, an image is said to be worth a thousand words and I think this is totally true, because sometimes the pictures transmit many emotions just by looking at them. When I was a teenager I felt very interested in History, always reading books or watching documentaries related to this discipline and when I looked the pictures of the wars I felt so powerless and sad, seeing what humans could do to harm people affected me so much. The image that affected me the most was "The girl from Napalm". It was taken in the middle of the Vietnam War in 1972 after an attack by the United States in the small village of Trang Bang, with the aim of leaving the place without supplies.   We would never known this type of events if they had not been captured by photographs that will last for the rest of the history and the importance of knowing the events of the past is that now that we have the knowledge we can prevent this type of atrocities to happen again.